National motto : In varietate concordia  -  European Union



-  European Union              -  Evropska unija  

-  Europæiske Union          -  Europäisch Union

-  Euroopa Liit                    -  Europako Batasuna

-  Euroopan unioni             -  Unvaniezh Europa

-  Union Européenne          -  Unyans Europek  

-  Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση         -  Jeropeeske Uny

-  Europese Unie                  -  Unión Europea

-  Európai Unió                   -  اتحاد أوروبي

-  Aontas Eorpach               -  Unió Europea

-  Unia Europejska             -  Unio Europaea

-  Eiropas Savienība           -  Union Uropeyinne

-  Europos Sąjunga             -  Undeb Ewropeaidd

-  Europäische Union         -  האיחוד האירופי 

 - Unjoni Ewropea              -  Evropeiska unio

-  Unione europea               -  Evrópusambandið

-  União Europeia               -   Európska únia

-  Uniunea Europeană        -  欧洲联盟

-  Unión Europea                -   Europeiske Union

-  Europeiska Unionen       -  Европейский Союз

欧州連合                          -  ヨーロッパ連合

-  Европска унија              -  Avrupa Birliği

-  Eŭropa Unio                    -  Evropská unie

-  Европейски съюз           -  Europska unija  
-  Eŭropa Unio                     -  यूरोपीय संघ 











歐洲聯盟(英语:European Union,缩写:EU),简称欧盟,是根据1993年生效的《马斯特里赫特条约》(也称《欧洲联盟条约》)所建立的政治经济联盟,現拥有28個成员国,正式官方语言有24种,参见欧盟官方语言名称列表)。規範歐盟的條約經過多次修訂,目前歐盟的運作方式依照《里斯本條約》。政治上所有成員國均為民主國家(2008年《經濟學人》民主狀態調查),经济上為世界上第一大经济实体(其中德国、法国、意大利、英國为八大工業國成員),軍事上絕大多數歐盟成員國為北大西洋公約组织成員。






歐盟目前是歐洲地區規模較大的區域性經濟合作的國際組織。成員國已將部分國家主權交給組織(主要是经济方面,如貨幣、金融政策、內部市場、外貿),令歐盟越來越像聯邦制國家。雖然歐盟還不是真正的國家,歐盟本身也無權行使各成員國的主權,但里斯本條約第一條第八項 允許歐盟簽訂歐洲人權公約成為歐洲委員會的成員國。



會員國, 目前,歐盟有28個成員國。








Welcome!  We're glad you're here!

Business relationships, projects, business proposals, investing, trade. Everything all together on these spot. Intercontact Marketing Network. Free information and advice please contact us with confidence.



Business Development

Nemzetközi  üzleti  ajánlatok

欢迎光临  Intercontact  的新网站

Международный бизнесп редложения

Internazionale   attività commercial   offerte

Geschäftsinformationen und  aktuelle  angebote

Información  comercial  y propuestas  de  negocios

Recherche de partenaires commerciaux, techniques, financiers





日安 * Good afternoon * Buenos días * Bonjour * Bom dia * Guten tag * Добрый день  Buon giorno* こんにちは * İyi günler * Selamat siang * नमस्ते * Goeiedag * Καλημέρα * نهارك سعيد * Sabah el fol * Dzień dobry * Bonan tagon * Selamat sore * Jó Napot *

Welcome!  We're glad you're here!

First of all we would like to thank everyone for their cooperation and attention, connections from all over the world.
Business relationships, projects, business proposals, investing, trade. Everything all together on these spot.

Great things are achieved through continued persistence and dedication. Free information and advice please contact us with confidence. Business development together. Wish you best of luck!


Take a look at IMN profile page and other 50 sites where you can find the IMN business opportunities. Innovation - Recycling - Green Technology - Energy - Water Management - Cleantech - Ecosystem – Enviroment Protection - Business Development










We looking for renewable energy consulting firms to cooperate and partner with in designing and implementing renewable energy innovations and strategies that will help in reducing the demand of conventionally produced electricity.



Business Development

Nemzetközi  üzleti  ajánlatok

欢迎光临  Intercontact  的新网站

Международный бизнесп редложения

Internazionale   attività commercial   offerte

Geschäftsinformationen und  aktuelle  angebote

Información  comercial  y propuestas  de  negocios

Recherche de partenaires commerciaux, techniques, financiers








Intercontact Marketing Network Co. Ltd.


Our company  is working internationally and will help producers - buyers - sales companies - super markets and shopping mauls worldwide to find the right partner.


We are a company which is working cooperatively with local foreign partners within the areas: Import - Export - E-commerce.


Our aim is to make it easier for our clients to buy and sell worldwide. Our foreign partners are able to recognize quickly and efficiently the situation on the suppliers markets as well as on the sales markets and they open up new markets for you as new clients.


You as the entrepreneur sometimes do not always have the possibility and the time to be up-to-date with the newest standards worldwide – in a time when you have to react quickly you should act early to be present on the markets worldwide as a company, as a buyer or as a seller.


We want to help you with it.

Satisfaction is when the customer returns, not the product.






Due to our lean organisation a flexible and highly motivated team can work on your duties and wishes.

You will receive a tailor-made solution fitting for your company, taking all the necessary details into account.


We are part of a Global Sourcing Consortium having representation in more than 80 countries. We do not import or export ourselves. We link the importers and exporters of the world and we have been doing this since last a decade.


We are in the heart of Europe in Hungary.  

Budapest lies on the tripoint of the Austria, Slovakia,  Ukraine in the middle of the Central Europe region.


We are waiting for exporter, importer, producer, industrial,  and commercial companies who want to open trading company in Europe, and  representation office in Budapest.

Please inform us about how do you want to do it, where, and so on, and we will help you to find cooperators or whatever you need to achieve your goal. 
We can guarantee partnership network for the presentation of patents and inventions, coupled with consultation. We undertake to manage and to introduce new products into the inland just as into the foreign markets.

Exploring investment opportunities for investors, founding joint ventures, trading consultation, ensuring paid-work and outworker background belongs to our services as well. We take arrangement of  Eastern and Central Europe businesses, as well foreign representation of firms.
We hope our short brochure caught your attention and we can create a successful partnership with your company. We are waiting for your orders, business offers in any theme, volume, and frequency. If you have any concrete offer for partner seeking please send it by email or fax.
Should you have any requirement or products offered for sale, or if you wish to know more about our company and activities, please visit our website or contact us by phone, fax or e-mail.

Thank you for your kind attention, we are looking forward to hearing from you soon.




Business relationships, projects, business proposals, investing, trade. Everything all together on these spot.

Feel free to contact me if you need help in something. I wish you all the best for the future and good luck everybody.


Best regards, most friendly and respect.


Csaba Juhasz

Intercontact Ltd - Budapest - Hungary







First of all we would like to thank you for your kind attention. Please let us introduce our company and activity system.

Established in 1990, our company, Intercontact Marketing Network Ltd., is a  business organization, whose main aim is to help companies find appropriate business partners, manufacturers and explore investment opportunities in Hungary.

Intercontact collects the product requirements and offers of foreign and domestic companies and circulate them in Hungarian language through its information channels including Hungarian business and commercial magazines, an internet site and a network of foreign embassies and trade offices.

We are in connection with several companies, Embassies and Commercial representations of numerous countries. These relations are based on mutual exchange of business information. So in cooperation with these organizations we are trying to help the foreign and domestic companies to find the best partners for their needs.


Our business relations are extended on 80 countries of Europe, Amerika, Africa, Asia, Australia, and we obtain a large number of information, business requirements from them, and we send them information regularly of our Hungarian partners as well.

The sources of our business information are:
· Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Economy
· Embassies' commercial sections
· Representations
· Foreign data bases
· Foreign companies' catalogues, economical publications, magazines
· Firms, companies, enterprises.

To realize above mentioned services we have:
· smoothly working network all over the country
· hundred of agents
· permanent information of business
· computerized data base network
· well developped national and foreigner partnership network.

Our company is concerned in:
· representing foreign companies in Hungary with a full scale of administration
· selling products, general trading
· export-import consulting
· manufacturing capacity binding
· contacting producers and sellers
· market-research, advertising, promoting work
· obtaining, planning and manufacturing means
· production, and managing all the things you need
· exploring business opportunities for investors.

These acitivities focus mainly on the following sectors: metal industry, woodworking, plastic and building industry, food-processing, the electronic sector and related trading and services.

Considering that we hope to have your aroused the interest of several companies, we would appreciate if you could supply us with further details, such as:

· the approximate price of goods
required amount of products (monthly, annually)
transportation terms, conditions and timing
terms and conditions of payement
technical drawings including measures


And it would really be handy if you could supply us with catalogues and brochures of the products you need.

We kindly ask you to give us these data with detailed description, and we would have the pleasure to receive you in our Budapest office, as long as you are planning to visit Hungary. You could then have personal negotiation with the possible producers that we select for your needs.


Should you have any more demands of offers, please do not hesitate to contact us, and we will have the pleasure to help for you. In the future we will be ready to circulate your material in our information system and send it to our hungarian and foreigner partners.


We are waiting for exporter, importer, producer, industrial,  and commercial companies who want to open trading company in Europe, and  representation office in Budapest. Please inform us about how do you want to do it, where, and so on, and we will help you to find cooperators or whatever you need to achieve your goal. 


We can guarantee partnership network for the presentation of patents and inventions, coupled with consultation. We undertake to manage and to introduce new products into the inland just as into the foreign markets.

Exploring investment opportunities for investors, founding joint ventures, trading consultation, ensuring paid-work and outworker background belongs to our services as well. We take arrangement of  Eastern and  Central Europe businesses, as well foreign representation of firms.


We hope our short brochure caught your attention and we can create a successful partnership with your company. We are waiting for your orders, business offers in any theme, volume, and frequency. If you have any concrete offer for partner seeking please send it by email or fax.

Should you have any requirement or products offered for sale, or if you wish to know more about our company and activities, please visit our website, or contact us by phone, fax or e-mail.

Thank you for your kind attention, we are looking forward to hearing from you soon,

Best Regards

Csaba Juhasz
managing director







Mobil: (36) 20 487 5422                Mobil: (36) 30 449 7559


        Email:            Email:


      Skype: intercontact1                     Web:


Our company is also available on these other websites:  Intercontact   


Linkedin    Livejournal    Blogspot    EC21    Wordpress    Facebook    Pinterest    Twitter    Xing    Apsense    Crunchbase    Tumblr


                            Bark    Vkontakte    Bluesky       




Permettez-moi de vous presenter notre entreprise et nos activités.

Notre entreprise - Intercontact Marketing Network - a été établie en 1990. Nous sommes un membre de la Chambre de Commerce et Industrie de Budapest et de la Chambre Hongroise des Data Base Fournisseurs. Nous avons un contact journalier avec des Sections Commerciales des Ambassades, des Chambres économic, des représentations des firmes, et nous echangeons des informations économiques.

Notre entreprise s'occupe des suivantes:
· Representer des entreprises étrangeres en Hongrie aves une gamme complete d'administration.
· Vendre des produits / des biens, commerce general
· Conseiller sur l'exportation et l'importation
· Rapprocher les producteurs et les vendeurs
· Études de marché, advertissements, travailles de promotion
· Obtenir, faire le projet et produire des biens de prodction, et en plus organiser toutes les choses dont vous avez besoin
· Découvrir des possibilités d'affaires pour des investisseurs.

Des autres missions de notre entreprise sont les suivants: investissement du capital, transfer des usines - des biens fonds et des parts sociales en Hongrie (pour des étranger aussi).

Nos relations d'affaires sont bien répandues, non seulement en Europe mais aussi en Amérique, en Afrique, en Asie et en Australie. Nous avons des liens avec plus de 80 pays. Nous recevons informations et demands.

Les sources de nos informations d'affaires sont les suivantes:
· Chambres de Commerce, Industrie, Economie
· Section Commerciales des Ambassades
· Representations
· Data bases étrangers
· Catalogues des entreprises étrangeres, publications économiques
· Usines, compagnies, entreprises.

Les informations recues sont publiées dans notre system d'information (aussi tot que nous recevons).

Pour realiser tous nos services nous disposons des suivantes:
· Un reseau bien efficace dans tout le pays
· Centaines des agents
· Informations d'affaires permanant
· Data base computerisé résau
· Bien dévéloppé reseau des parteners nationals et etrangers.

Nos membres peuvent acquérir des informations sur des offres d'affaires publié dans notre publication hebdomadaire, et ils peuvent y publier tout ce qu'ils désirent.

Le reseau de nos parteners devient toujours plus répandu.

Nous esperons d'avoir eu votre attention et qu'on peut établir une cooperation efficace aves votre entreprise.

Nous attendons vos offres d'affaires, ordres et demandes.

Nous sommes préts de vous envoyer d'autres informations dont vous avez besoin.






Mobil: (36) 20 487 5422                Mobil: (36) 30 449 7559


        Email:            Email:


      Skype: intercontact1                     Web:


Our company is also available on these other websites:  Intercontact   


Linkedin    Livejournal    Blogspot    EC21    Wordpress    Facebook    Pinterest    Twitter    Xing    Apsense    Crunchbase    Tumblr


                            Bark    Vkontakte    Bluesky       



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